The #1 rated Integrated Idea Management Software

Harness the power of ideas to drive business value and improve employee engagement.

Sideways 6 - Product Screenshot

Hollow Lighbulb

Capture ideas from anywhere

Collect ideas using the tools your employees know and love.

Bar Chart

Manage ideas at scale

Organize and qualify thousands of ideas with ease.

Magic Wand

Bring the best ideas to life

Review and shortlist ideas to go from many to few.

Sideways 6  integrations 1


Source ideas
from anywhere

Collect ideas by leveraging tools your employees already use such as Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage and Workplace by Meta.

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Sideways 6 Product - Manage


Manage ideas
quickly at scale

Qualify, categorise and progress ideas through your pipeline.

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Sideways 6 Product - Shortlist


Find the best ideas 

Combine crowd and expert review to go from many ideas to the few with the greatest potential.

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Sideways 6 Product - Implement - Single Ideas Page


Bring the best
ideas to life

Turn ideas into projects and manage them all the way through to delivery.

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Sideways 6 Product - Engage


Keep your people
in the loop

Drive engagement, celebrate milestones and update people at every stage of the journey.

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Sideways 6 Product - Analyze


Measure your

Identify key trends, understand the business impact of ideas, and create custom reports to prove ROI. 

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Security with guard_White


Your data's
safe with us

We take security as seriously as you do and commit to exceeding the industry standard when it comes to protecting your data.

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Sideways 6

Our Product Vision

Hear from our CEO and Chief Product Officer about the future of employee ideas, our product strategy and some of the exciting developments we have in store!

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Third Party Reviews

Sideways 6 enables us to streamline decisions and empower employees to have their voices heard.

Chris Davies

Innovation Consultant


Get in touch 👋🏽

Find out why companies around the world trust Sideways 6 to bring their employee ideas to life